Hilton Head Island is Open for Business

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Hilton Head Island is cleaning up this time with leaf blowers(not chainsaws) and in a matter of days(not months) our Island will be open for business as usual.  For the vacation guest and returning owners, it will be really hard for them to tell that a Hurricane rolled through.  There have been conflicting reports about the closures on the Island and we wanted to let you know that the Island is now open for business.  So please pass it on!  Listed below are just a few of the businesses open.

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The Hilton Head Eclipse Event!

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The solar eclipse on August 21 is creating quite a stir in the Hilton Head area.  Although not total on Hilton Head, the photo to the left shows the eclipse from the Island.  Pretty darn close!  If you are planning on visiting, many hotels and rental companies are offering specials including free “eclipse” glasses(while they last). The information and links below will help you plan your viewing party!

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Vacation Rental Properties on Hilton Head Island

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Have you ever considered owning and renting a vacation property on Hilton Head Island?   While these properties don’t always pay for themselves, there are many benefits of ownership that make these properties a great way to get your foot in the door on Hilton Head Island.  We have listed below a few shopping list requirements in choosing a vacation rental property to buy and several articles highlighting possible benefits of ownership. Read the rest of this entry

What’s the Real Estate Market Like on Hilton Head Island

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Hilton Head Real Estate MarketHilton Head Island’s real estate market is changing.  No longer a buyers market and not into a sellers market, we now are in the middle.  This means for buyers and sellers the next one for sale may be a little higher in price, a little less negotiable and will most likely sell faster than the last one.   Click here for market advice for our buyers and sellers.

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Hilton Head Properties Market Trends 2017

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Available inventory overall has dropped since the first of the year and buyer activity has increased on Hilton Head Island.  This quick  video will help you better understand what’s happening in the real estate market on Hilton Head Island. Read the rest of this entry

The best time to buy Hilton Head Real Estate

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Hilton Head PropertiesWhen the azaleas are in full bloom, so is the Hilton Head Real Estate Market.  It is easy to understand why April is the biggest selling month of the year in the Hilton Head area. The near perfect weather, Easter, and The RBC Heritage make it easy to fall in love with Hilton Head Island.  If you are going to buy, here’s how you can get a jump ahead of other spring buyers.

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Hilton Head Vacation Itinerary for The Day Tripper

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Hilton Head Properties Realty and RentalsWe put together this Itinerary for the Hilton Head vacationer that loves to take day trips.  Hilton Head Island, SC is in the geographic center of some significant historic towns including Beaufort, Charleston and Savannah.  As well there are some out of the way places that are fun for day trips from Hilton Head.  We hope this gives you some ideas!

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How’s Your Hilton Head Portal Doing?

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Hilton_Head_MLS_Portal_001If you own Hilton Head real estate or thinking about purchasing, be sure you have a good portal set up with a local real estate agent.  Real estate in the Hilton Head area is starting to heat up and we are seeing properties sell in a day and multiple offers on the same property.  A portal with our Hilton Head MLS, will keep you better informed than Zillow and other online real estate websites.  Here’s why.

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Living the Dream on Hilton Head

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Ready to make the move to the Hilton Head Area? The perfect home searches are listed below. The communities and their amenities are described here.  When you find your dream home on the internet, let us know and we will go check it out for you! Read the rest of this entry

Vacation Itinerary “The Kingfisher” on Hilton Head

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3_Kingfisher_HHILooking for a fun filled week on Hilton Head Island?  “The Kingfisher” offers day trips to Savannah by boat,  a carriage ride in Historic Beaufort and Fireworks in Shelter Cove.  This itinerary was designed to fit perfectly with one of our big vacation homes or we can scale it back for a Sea Cloisters, Ocean Palms or one of our other properties!

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