What is your Hilton Head Properties Magic Number?

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A client called and wanted to know what the “magic number” was to sell her home. Keep in mind, the property had been on the market for over 3 years and we were her  3rd REALTOR. The question was, how do we find the magic number without leaving money on the table?  We have developed many ways to help our clients determine their magic number including comps, impressions, virtual tours, on site visits and our magic pricing strategy.

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What is Quarter Ownership on Hilton Head Island

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There are two types of Quarter Ownership on Hilton Head Island.  With a rotating quarter, an owner gets 6 two-week ownership periods spread throughout the year plus a single week in January.  Each year the ownership periods adjust so that over a four-year period, each owner has had access to all 52 weeks.  With a fixed quarter, the 13 weeks are back to back depending on which quarter you own (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th). Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Buyers Alert!

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The Island Real Estate Market typically slows a bit as we head into the Holidays.  Although it is easier to get a table at some of our favorite Hilton Head restaurantsat this time of year,  our market research shows that Hilton Head Buyers are not sitting back and waiting for their next visit or next year.  These buyers are aligning themselves during this off season with the best properties at great prices and negotiating before the start of the new year. Read the rest of this entry

Ain’t no pity in be-back city!

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Hilton Head Island is a be-back city. 

Face it, most of the Hilton Head buyers live somewhere else.  With an annual population of only 35,000, Hilton Head’s primary buyer pool exists in it’s 2.5 million annual visitors.  These are the be-backs that will return either every week, every month or every year until they buy something.  Of course, Real Estate Agents on Hilton Head Island want these be-backs to know that if they cannot find as nice home as they saw on their last visit, or they cannot negotiate as much, or the interest rates are higher, don’t blame it on us! Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Island Real Estate Market Trends July 2010

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Dear Clients, Friends and Fellow Associates~

Below is our Hilton Head Monthly Market Trend Report for July 2010.  This report is exactly what it’s name implies; it’s an “at a glance” report of current Home, Villa and lot trends for Hilton Head Island. 

This market research tells us where the most robust (busiest) price segments of the market are – i.e. it will tell us where the activity is and where it is not.  It shows the number of listings and the sales that occured last month in each pricing segment.  It also shows negotiatiability, the average listing to sale price, the days on the market and the number of months of inventory.  The last column shows the increase or decrease in the remaining months of inventory from the month prior and helps us spot possible trends.  Take a look below and than call us to explain how this report applies to the timing of your Hilton Head Island purchase or sale. Read the rest of this entry

Keeping Tabs on Hilton Head Island

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Do you remember the Sunday Only Island Packet?

We used to tell our friends and clients that had interest in Hilton Head Island to subscribe to the “Sunday” Island Packet because they would mail it anywhere in the country(and in other countries).  Although the delivery often had a lag time, this was one of the best(and only) ways to tap into what was happening on Hilton Head Island.  Although there is no longer a Sunday Only Island Packet, there are now many new ways to tap into the latest and current happenings on Hilton Head.  We have included Hilton Head social networks and online media for you below.  Read the rest of this entry

Happy half year from Hilton Head Island!

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Happy Half Year!

As we are now half way through 2010, I wanted to wish my clients and friends a very happy half year!  As we stated at the beginning of 2010, the market is changing.  We have seen positive improvements take place and we also can see challenges ahead.  There are also several vanishing opportunities worth noting.  All in all, the first half was a great improvement over 2009.  In fact, my company and I doubled our sales and volume in the first half of 2010 compared to the first half of 2009.  We are very happy to be busy with buyers once again. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Island May 2010 Real Estate Market Snapshot

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Dear Clients, Friends and Fellow Associates~

We have been tracking the market for two years now by compiling a Monthly Market Trend Report like the one below for May 2010.  This report is exactly what its name implies; it’s an “at a glance” report of current Home, Villa and lot trends for Hilton Head Island.  Read the rest of this entry

Would you buy a $100.00 Pizza?

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Value is different than price

My real estate coach taught me the best lesson I have ever had in value the other day.  He told me to take my self out of my Hilton Head real estate business and imagine myself working in a pizza parlor.  He told me that I would be selling pizzas.  My job was to promote and market the pizzas for sale.  He told me my advertising budget was unlimited.  My compensation was based entirely on performance.

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Palmetto Hall Market Update – December 2009

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Dear Palmetto Hall Property Owners, Friends and Clients~
Linked below, is the Palmetto Hall Market Update .  This report shows the active listings, the current pendings and the sold properties.  Please note the average price per square foot for the actives, pendings  and solds.  This can help in determining a quick valuation by mulitplying this number times your heated square footage.  Simply click on the link below to open this report:

        Click Here for the Palmetto Hall Market Update – December 2009
We would love it if you would forward this email to a client, friend or family member that has interest in the area.  We offer special closing gifts for our properties offered at www.robbiebunting.comPlease email us at robbie@robbiebunting.com anytime for information about the market, the Island or property.  Thank you.
From an Island with a great community called Palmetto Hall~
We are,
Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers
P.S.  +++Click Here+++for the entire Island Market Trend report including homes, villas and lots – December 2009.

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